Director of Center for Development and Transfer of Technology
The Center for Development and Transfer of Technology (CDTT) is responsible for developing and transferring technologies so that they can be utilized by the Tanzanian community and beyond. This directorate has three (3) Sections which deals with Innovation Foresight and Emerging Technologies; Technology Acquisition and Development as well as Technology Management and Transfer. Along with its three sections, the Center also manages the Innovation Space known as Buni (Buni Mother Hub of Hubs) as well as the Dar es Salaam Digital Business Incubator, popularly known as the Dar es Salaam Teknohama Business Incubator (DTBi)
To maintain an inventory of innovations, inventions adaptations and undertaking a follow-up of TASTA/MAKISATU awards
To identify within the framework of national, social, economic and political constraints technological needs for utilization in the variety sector of the economy
To liaise and maintain effective links with local and foreign technology centers and research institutions, with a view to attaining an optimum level of technology development in the country
To promote research and innovation in new and renewable sources of energy and taking charge of the Commission's energy research projects in the field
To advise on matters pertaining to development of endogenous and indigenous technologies
To identify potential technology value chain area for developments and up scaling
To play a major role in the unpack aging of imported technology and innovation including the assessment of suitability of the technologies
To provide training for technical personnel in technology and innovation aspects, and in various fields of analysis of transfer of technology
To register all technology transfer agreements and monitoring their execution on a continuous basis